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Skills Ready

Whether you're looking for a job, thinking about a career change or upskilling for your own development, now's the time to get skills ready! We’re making training affordable and accessible so you can boost your skills and be job ready.

How about a free training course — yes... free! You can also choose from 130 qualifications or new skill sets — fast track training to get you job ready. 


Exciting news for 2024!

Selected full qualifications will be 100% course fee-free and all Job Ready short course skill sets will be fully fee-free from 1 January 2024! And in even better news, the eligibility criteria for this free training is being expanded so that more people living in Western Australia can access the free courses.

This free training will focus on priority industry areas to help build WA's skilled workforce, support our employers and businesses, and create employment and career opportunities for all Western Australians.

Please note that some eligibility criteria apply for free training, and resource fees apply for the free qualifications. Please see our FAQs at the bottom of this page for details.


How to find the free and half prices courses on our website

Look out for the Free and half price icons on course pages throughout our website, click here(opens in a new tab) for a course list.


How would you like to get a nationally recognised and accredited qualification but pay only half-price course fees? Or even less than half price! And how about a fees cap?  From tourism and hospitality to civil construction, dental assisting to commercial cookery, aged care to engineering, agriculture to information technology, electrical to heavy vehicle mechanical technology — to name just a few — there really is something here for everyone under the Lower fees, local skills program, and these qualifications are matched up with the skills employers are looking for, so you'll be job ready!

There are more than 100 qualifications with course fees slashed by half or more from 2020 to 2025. Some are reduced by up to 72 per cent!

Don't delay — many of these courses will fill fast!

Look for the half price icon on the course list, to see the Lower fees, local skills qualifications that have their course fees slashed this year. 

Show me the courses with half-price fees ► 

What's better than slashing course fees? How about a fees cap!

The annual fees cap applies for all of the Lower fees, local skills qualifications. This means that regardless of how much your course fees actually are, you will not pay more than a set total amount per qualification or course per year. The fees cap is set at $400 for eligible concession students, and $1,200 for non-concession students.

Check our FAQs at the bottom of this web page for more information about how the half price fees and fees caps work.

The following people will be eligible for the $400 course fees cap under Lower fees, local skills

  • People aged 15—24 years at the time of enrolment (excluding students enrolled at school)
  • People and dependents of people in receipt of services from one of the following Commonwealth support or employment services programs:
    • Jobactive
    • Online Employment Services
    • ParentsNext
  • People and dependents of people receiving the Youth Allowance, AUSTUDY or ABSTUDY
  • People and dependents of people holding:
    • a pensioner concession card or Health Care Card; or
    • a repatriation health benefits card issued by the Department of Veterans' Affairs; or
  • Dependents of people who are inmates of a custodial institution

For more details about how the half price course fees and annual fees cap work, please read our FAQs.

Please note that only course fees are half price for the Lower fees, local skills qualifications. You may be required to pay other fees that apply to your course. Please check our FAQs for further information.


That's right... free training! 

We are serious when we say we want to help you get skills ready!

We have worked closely with WA industries, businesses and employers to find out the types of skills needed right now and for future jobs. Free skill sets developed from nationally recognised vocational training are now available from TAFE colleges and a selection of private training providers across WA — some are also available online. 

Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to fast track your training and get skills ready!

The free training focuses on the following two options:

  • Infection control skill sets to get you skills ready and job ready for COVID-19 safe workplace requirements — free for everyone
  • Skill sets to get you skills ready for current job opportunities as  WA's economy recovers — some are free for everyone, and others are free for eligible students including displaced workers, concession students and youth up to 25 not at school.
 Show me the free training ► 


Fast track your skills with our free infection control skill sets to get you job ready.

All infection control skill sets are 100% free for everyone! 

These infection control skill sets have been developed specifically to get you job ready to safely manage infection control in the workplace. They match up with the skills employers are looking for, to support WA businesses in key areas such as aged care, disability support, retail and hospitality. 

The skill sets contain selected units of competency from nationally accredited and recognised vocational qualifications that target specific skill areas.

 See the infection control skill sets ► 

There are six free infection control skill sets available, each focused on a specific area of work.

The COVID-19 Direct Care skill set was developed in consultation with WA employers in the aged care and disability services sectors and the Community Services, Health and Education Training Council. It contains three units of competency chosen to get you job ready for entry-level employment.

  • HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures 
  • HLTWHS005 Conduct manual tasks safely 
  • CHCCCS011 Meet personal support needs 

The CHCSS00114 Entry Into Care Roles skill set addresses the skills and knowledge required to provide entry level support and basic client care for a range of roles and purposes within the aged care and disability support sectors. The support provided in client care will be predominantly non-direct. The skill set is comprised of the following units.

  • HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures
  • CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
  • HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

HLTINFCOV001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures is a nationally recognised unit of competency, to train people to follow organisational infection prevention and control procedures including implementing standard and transmission-based precautions and responding to infection risks. With this skill set, you can select from three industry areas — transport and logistics, hospitality (food handling), and retail — so that you can choose the one that best matches with the type of work you're looking for or currently doing.

The skill set HLTSS00064 Infection Control is linked to the unit HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures and has been designed for the healthcare sector; specifically those working in aged care or disability support.

  • For further information about the free infection control skill sets, including where they are available and how to enrol, please select 'Infection control' from the Skills Ready course list 
  • For details about the free training available through Skills Ready, see the FAQs near the bottom of this web page.

Please note: The minimum age requirement for the Entry Into Care Roles and the COVID-19 Direct Care skill sets is 18 years. For the other infection control skill sets, students must be 15 years of age or older.


Not all jobs need a full qualification, and maybe you don't either — skill sets are the perfect solution. Skill sets can help you get ready for your first job, or re-skill quickly for jobs that are available as WA's economy recovers.

These new job ready skill sets have been developed in consultation with businesses and employers to deliver fast track training that will get you skills ready for jobs in areas including hospitality, health care, retail, business, agriculture and construction.. and many more.

 Selected Job Ready skill sets that are 100% free for everyone:

  • Operating a Small Business
  • Heavy Haulage Driving Operations
  • More coming soon!

All job ready skill sets are 100% free for the following eligible students.

  • People aged 15—24 years at the time of enrolment (excluding school students)
  • People receiving the JobSeeker payment
  • People and dependents of people receiving the Youth Allowance, AUSTUDY or ABSTUDY
  • People and dependents of people holding:
    • a pensioner concession card or Health Care Card; or
    • a Repatriation Health Benefits Card issued by the Department of Veterans' Affairs
  • Dependents of people who are inmates of a custodial institution

Fees apply for non-eligible students. All enquiries regarding eligibility for free courses should be made directly to your TAFE college.

 Show me the job ready skill sets! ► 
  • To see a full description for each skill set and find out which TAFE colleges are offering it, go to the Skills Ready page on the Jobs and Skills website and select 'skill sets' from the Skills Ready course list at the bottom of the page.
  • For free advice on choosing the right skill set, call your local Jobs and Skills Centre on 13 64 64 or call in to your local South Regional TAFE campus.

The job ready skill sets include general entry level training to prepare for employment, and also cover a range of industry areas to help get you skills ready for a number of job roles. Because all of these skill sets are made up of units of competency from nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) qualifications, you will receive credit for them if you choose to go on to further study.


To help you choose the skill set that's right for you, we have put together an outline of each and the type of work it will get you job ready for. If you would like further information about options to get skills ready, you can call your local Jobs and Skills Centre on 13 64 64.

Work in Agriculture

The agriculture sector in WA is an exciting and diverse area to work in, and it's not just all about growing crops — it offers an exciting mix of science, technology and nature. From working with livestock to using drone technology to manage large farms, the job opportunities are there once you're skills ready. This new skill set is the ideal introductory training opportunity for new entrants to the agricultural industry.

With the Work in Agriculture job ready skill set you'll learn about tractor operations under general supervision in the agriculture, horticulture and land management sectors, preparing and operating machinery and equipment, how to safely handle, prepare and apply chemicals for the control of pests, weeds and diseases, and carry out work health and safety procedures in the agriculture sector. 

Further study pathways

This skill set provides a pathway to further study in the following Lower fees, local skills half-price course fees qualifications. 

  • Certificate III in Agricultural Mechanical Technology
  • Certificate III in Harvesting and Haulage
  • Certificate II in Rural Operations
  • Certificate II in Horticulture
  • Certificate III in Agriculture
  • Certificate III in Horticulture
  • Certificate II in Conservation and Land Management

Business Ready

Almost every business has an office — and there's no shortage of job opportunities here! From administration work through to customer service, using business technology, dealing with accounts and finances through to digital marketing — you just need to be skills ready!

The Business Ready skill set will give you the skills and knowledge required to deliver all aspects of customer service including how to create a relationship with customers, identify their needs, deliver services or products and process customer feedback. You'll also learn how to use business technology and produce business documents, follow work health and safety (WHS) and emergency procedures and instructions, and use computer software and organise electronic information and data.

Further study pathways

This skill set provides a pathway to further study in the following Lower fees, local skills half-price course fees qualifications.

  • Certificate IV in Business
  • Certificate IV in Project Management Practice
  • Certificate IV in Human Resources

Other qualifications for further study include the following.

  • Certificate II in Business
  • Certificate II in Community Services
  • Certificate II in Financial Services
  • Certificate II in Customer Engagement
  • Certificate II in Business 

Operating a small business

If you're currently operating or thinking about starting up a small business, or would like to get job ready for an administrative support position in a small business operation, this is the skill set for you! 

The Operating a Small Business skill set offers a fantastic range of skills and knowledge to get you job ready. You'll learn how to design and produce business documents and publications, digitally design and develop text-based documents,  develop spreadsheets through the use of both cloud-based and non-cloud based applications, identify financial requirements of a business including profit targets, cash flow projections and strategies to garner financial support, and understand workplace health and safety (WHS) legislation and its application to safe work practices. It even covers how to create and build a social networking presence using social media tools and applications. 

Please note: This skill set is free for all students!

Further study pathways

This skill set provides a pathway to further study in the following Lower fees, local skills half-price course fees qualifications.

  • Certificate III in Tourism
  • Certificate III in Events
  • Certificate IV in Business
  • Certificate IV in Project Management
  • Certificate IV in Human Resources

Other qualifications for further study include the following.

  • Certificate IV in Financial Practice Support
  • Certificate IV in Financial Services
  • Certificate IV in Business Administration 

Work in community care

There's many job opportunities in the field of community care, which includes health care support and specialist areas such as social support.  The Work in Community Care skill set will give you a great starting point to get into the industry, as it covers important areas such as first aid, communicating with diverse people, and customer service in a community care setting.

You'll also learn to follow organisational infection prevention and control policies and procedures, including implementing standard and transmission-based precautions and responding to infection risks to ensure you're working COVID-safe.

You'll be job ready, knowing how to provide a first aid response to a casualty in a range of situations,· greet clients and exchange routine information to provide a triage service, work respectfully with people from diverse social backgrounds and demonstrate cultural sensitivity, communicate effectively with clients, colleagues and management, and use workplace technology. 

Further study pathways

This skill set provides a pathway to further study in the following Lower fees, local skills half-price course fees qualifications.

  • Certificate II in Health Support Services
  • Certificate II in Community Services
  • Certificate III in Community Services
  • Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance
  • Certificate III in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care
  • Certificate IV in Ageing Support
  • Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs
  • Certificate IV in Community Services
  • Certificate IV in Youth Work
  • Diploma of Nursing

Other qualifications for further study include the following.

  • Certificate II in Health Support Services
  • Certificate III in Individual Support (Community care)

Provide individual support

Many individuals require support services to help them live an independent and fulfilling life — including people with physical or intellectual disability, older people, and vulnerable members of the community.

This is highly rewarding work, but employers look for people who are job ready with basic skills and knowledge for entry level roles in one-on-one or group support settings, or for administrative role in a care facility. With the Provide Individual Support skill set, that will be you! 

You'll learn about following a client's individual care or support plan to meet their personal support needs, how to comply with personal hygiene standards, maintain food safety, contribute to the cleanliness of food handling areas and dispose of food appropriately, prepare for and provide medication assistance and complete medication documentation, supporting a client to self-administer medication, safe work practices for the health and safety of yourself and your clients, and how to recognise potentially hazardous manual tasks and complete those tasks in a safe manner. 

Further study pathways

This skill set provides a pathway to further study in the following Lower fees, local skills half-price course fees qualifications.

  • Certificate III in Individual Support
  • Certificate II in Introduction to Disability Care (Disability pre-traineeship)
  • Certificate II in introduction to Aged Care (Aged care pre-traineeship)
  • Certificate IV in Mental Health
  • Certificate II in Health Support Services
  • Certificate III in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care
  • Certificate IV Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice
  • Certificate IV in Youth Work
  • Certificate IV in Disability

Other qualifications for further study include the following.

  • Certificate IV in Ageing Support
  • Certificate III in Individual Support (Community care)
  • Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability work)

Work in civil construction

The civil construction industry has many large projects underway across Perth and in regional areas. The Work in Civil Construction skill set will get you job ready to join a construction team or work as a trades assistant (TA), with a key focus on working  safely on construction sites so that you can understand and follow mandatory work health and safety requirements in accordance with legislative requirements. This includes the safe use of electricity and identifying hazardous materials, as well as infection control and prevention procedures to ensure you're working safely and have an understanding of basic risk control measures and emergency procedures. White card certification is included with this skill set.

You'll also learn how to operate specialised equipment such as scissor and boom lifts and elevated work platforms (EWPs), undertake minor concreting and rendering tasks and perform minor repairs, undertake plumbing work on roofing structures, carry out levelling operations, and install trench support. You'll be very job ready with this one!

Further study pathways

This skill set provides a pathway to further study in the following Lower fees, local skills half-price course fees qualifications.

  • Certificate II in Civil Construction
  • Certificate II in Construction
  • Certificate III in Civil Construction
  • Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations

Other qualifications for further study include the following.

  • Certificate IV in Building and Construction
  • Certificate IV in Civil Construction Design
  • Diploma of Civil Construction Design


Work safely in construction

Construction work is happening all across WA, and builders need skilled workers who are ready to get on the worksite. The Work Safely in Construction skill set will get you job ready for entry level roles in the construction field, such as trades assistant (TA) or general labourer, and it covers how to follow mandatory work health and safety requirements in accordance with safety legislative requirements as well as infection control and prevention procedures to ensure you're working safely.

You'll learn how to use a range of construction equipment and tools including levelling devices, skills to work in a construction team, and basic construction work applications for new and existing structures including residential homes, units and apartments. 

Further study pathways

This skill set provides a pathway to further study in the following Lower fees, local skills half-price course fees qualifications.

  • Certificate II in Construction
  • Certificate II in Construction Pathways
  • Certificate III in Bricklaying/Blocklaying
  • Certificate III in Painting and Decorating
  • Certificate III in Solid Plastering
  • Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining

Other qualifications for further study include the following.

  • Certificate II in Building and Construction

Retail, finance, pharmacy, hospitality, business, tourism... what industry doesn't have customers!  Good customer service and communication skills are highly valued by employers in many different industries and areas of work, and this skill set will get you job ready with exactly the skills you need.

The Customer Service skill set includes following infection prevention and control policies and procedures, implementing standard and transmission-based precautions and responding to infection risks in the workplace within a customer service context to ensure you're working safely. You'll also learn to communicate effectively and provide quality service to both internal and external customers, and how to deal effectively with people from a range of social and cultural groups with respect and sensitivity. You'll also gain negotiation, conflict management and problem solving skills.

Further study pathways

This skill set provides a pathway to further study in the following Lower fees, local skills half-price course fees qualifications.

  • Certificate IV in Dental Assisting
  • Certificate III in Hospitality
  • Certificate III in Tourism
  • Certificate III in Events
  • Certificate III in Guiding

Other qualifications for further study include the following.

  • Certificate III in Business
  • Certificate III in Retail Services
  • Certificate IV in Hospitality
  • Certificate IV in Customer Engagement


Commercial kitchen

How would you like to be part of a team producing beautiful food in one of WA's restaurants, cafes, bars, resorts or hotels? This skill set covers all the 'must know' skills that employers are looking for, so you'll be skills ready and job ready! It covers how to follow organisational infection prevention and control procedures, including implementing standard and transmission-based precautions and responding to infection risks to ensure you're working safely.

In the Commercial Kitchen skill set, you'll learn about the safe use of commercial kitchen equipment, how to  clean food preparation areas, storage areas, and equipment efficiently and minimising negative environmental impacts, preventing food contamination including how to identify and control food hazards, and gain general kitchen and food preparation skills.

Jobs that could lead from this skill set includes cooks, chefs, caterers, kitchen stewards, kitchen hands, and bar and food and beverage servers and attendants.

Further study pathways

This skill set provides a pathway to further study in the following Lower fees, local skills half-price course fees qualifications.

  • Certificate II in Kitchen Operations
  • Certificate III in Hospitality
  • Certificate III in Commercial Cookery

Other qualifications for further study include the following.

  • Certificate II in Hospitality
  • Certificate III in Catering


Work in hospitality

WA has a large and vibrant hospitality industry — from bars and cafes through to world class restaurants and venues, hotels and resorts. Hospitality offers a range of both entry-level jobs and career development opportunities, and the Work in Hospitality skill set is the perfect introduction to the industry, giving you the critical skills employers are looking for.  

To get you job ready, you'll learn about areas of health and wellbeing and personal development, how to use workplace technology and business systems, and responsible service of alcohol (RSA). It also includes infection control and prevention procedures and food safety to ensure you're working safely.

Further study pathways

This skill set provides a pathway to further study in the following Lower fees, local skills half-price course fees qualifications.

  • Certificate III in Hospitality
  • Certificate II in Kitchen Operations

Other qualifications for further study include the following.

  • Certificate II in Hospitality
  • Certificate III in Hospitality (General Front of House)
  • Certificate III in Hospitality Operations
  • Certificate III in Hospitality (Food and Beverage)

Job ready basics


The Job Ready Basics skill set is perfect if you feel that you need a little extra support and a confidence boost to get into a job. It focuses on health, wellbeing and personal development.

Follow this up with a visit to your local Jobs and Skills Centre, where you can get free advice and support to with your CV and writing job applications, and you'll be job ready!

Further study pathways

This skill set provides a pathway to further study in the following Lower fees, local skills half-price course fees qualifications.

  • Certificate III in Hospitality
  • Certificate II in Introduction to Disability Care
  • Certificate II in Introduction to Aged Care

Other qualifications for further study include the following.

  • Certificate II in Business
  • Certificate II in Financial Services
  • Certificate II in Customer Engagement
  • Certificate II in Community Service
  • Certificate II in Retail Services
  • Certificate II in Sport and Recreation

Heavy haulage driving operations

If you like the idea of driving the big trucks across our great State of Western Australia, and getting things from point A to B, this is the skill set for you! The heavy haulage industry provides an essential service and now here's your chance to be part of that. 

In the Heavy Haulage Driving Operations skill set, you'll learn about safely loading, unloading and handling materials and cargo, interpreting maps and navigating haulage routes, carrying out calculations related to loads and routes, managing fatigue and other health and safety risks, working in a team, and the legislation and regulations that apply to the industry.  The skill set also includes infection control and prevention procedures to ensure you're working COVID-safe. 

The Western Roads Federation will work with its industry partners to ensure course participants have at least one interview with an industry employer within a month of completing the program.


Learning online can be a great way to get skills ready — whether your life doesn't have room for going to classes, or you like the idea of a more flexible pace of learning. And with online courses, you can get skills ready from anywhere, so you can choose from a wide range of courses. You'll be provided with all the information and resources needed for your course, help to get set up, and support when you need it.

Doing an online course doesn't mean you'll sitting reading a screen all by yourself, with nobody to talk to and no lecturer to help you — you'll be able to interact with your classmates and your lecturer, so you're not doing it all alone.  

Online courses take place in a virtual classroom and can include a range of activities including discussions, online chats, journals and blogs, social media, quizzes, web quests and project activities to keep things interesting. All you need is a computer, an internet connection and a comfy chair! 

Please note that some courses may require practical training and assessment for hands-on skills. Your TAFE college will let you know if that applies for your course, and explain how it will work. 

 Check out the list of online courses ► 

Online courses and learning online

 Learning online can be a great way to get skilled — whether your life doesn't have room for going to classes, or you like the idea of a more flexible pace of learning. And with online courses, you can get skilled from anywhere — it doesn't have to be your local TAFE, so you can choose from a wide range of courses. 

You'll be provided with all the information and resources needed for your course, help to get you set up, and support when you need it. All you need is a computer, an internet connection and a comfy chair! 

Doing an online course doesn't mean you'll sitting reading a screen all by yourself, with nobody to talk to and no lecturer to help you — online courses take place in a virtual classroom and can include a range of activities including discussions, online chats, journals and blogs, social media, quizzes, web quests and project activities to keep things interesting. You'll be able to interact with your classmates, and your lecturer. 

 Yes, some of the courses on the list can be done completely online. However some of the courses require a practical component which can't be done online, or some may be a mix of online and face to face learning. If that's the case for your course, your TAFE or training provider will tell you what's required such as whether you'll need to attend any training on campus.

You may also need to attend TAFE when it's time for an assessment of competency to get your qualification or Statement of Attainment. 

Your TAFE college is following all current health advice, including physical distancing and cleaning, to ensure your safety if you need to attend training at this time. 

 You will need a computer that can browse the internet, and basic programs such as Microsoft Word and email to do your work. You may also need to download programs such as Zoom so that you can take part in class meetings.

If you are concerned that your computer is not suitable, please contact South Regional TAFE to advise you on the exact requirements for your course. 

General questions: Free and reduced-fee training courses

From 1 January 2024, Job Ready skill sets will be 100% fee-free for everyone*. All fees are 100 per cent subsidised by the WA State Government, so that there is no cost to you.

Course fees selected qualifications will also be free for everyone*. There may be some additional fees that apply for these qualifications — please see the FAQs below about fees.

*Some eligibility conditions apply for the free training from 1 January 2024. Please refer to the information under Who can access subsidised training such as the free or reduced-fee qualifications? below.

Free courses available from 1 January 2024

  • If you commenced units in a course or skill set prior to it becoming free from 1 January 2024, you will pay the regular course fee rate for those units until 31 December 2022. Training will become fee-free from 1 January 2023.
  • If you commence units in a course or skill set on or after 1 January 2024, you will be eligible for a refund if you paid fees previous to that date.

If you think you may have overpaid for your course, please contact your TAFE college or training provider to request a review of your payment and a refund if applicable.

From 1 January 2024

The WA State Government, through Jobs and Skills WA, subsidises vocational education and training (VET) courses in priority areas, to reduce or remove the fees and make training more accessible to all Western Australians.


To be eligible for a subsidised training place; you must have left school*, have your primary place of residence in Western Australia, and are either:

  • an Australian citizen; or
  • a permanent visa holder or holder of visa subclass 309, 444, 449, 785, 786, 790, or 820; or
  • a dependent or spouse of the primary holder of a visa subclass 457 or 482; or
  • a bridging visa holder who has made a valid application for a visa subclass 866; or
  • a bridging visa E holder (subclasses 050 and 051) who has made a valid application for a visa subclass 785 or 790.

*In 2023, Year 12 school students who are leaving school can access a subsidised training place from 23 October 2023.

Interstate apprentices and trainees may be eligible for publicly funded training in WA.

The Department of Training and Workforce Development’s VET Fees and charges policy(opens in a new tab)  outlines eligibility for subsidised training in WA.

All enquiries regarding eligibility and/or course fees should be made to your TAFE college or private training provider.

From 1 January 2024

From 1 January 2024, the Job Ready skill sets are all 100% fee-free to people who have left school*, have their primary place of residence in Western Australia, and are either:

·           an Australian citizen; or

·           a permanent visa holder or holder of visa subclass 309, 444, 449, 785, 786, 790, or 820; or

·           a dependent or spouse of the primary holder of a visa subclass 457 or 482; or

·           a bridging visa holder who has made a valid application for a visa subclass 866; or

·           a Bridging Visa E holder (subclasses 050 and 051) who has made a valid application for a visa subclass 785 or 790.

*In 2023, Year 12 school students who are leaving school can access a subsidised training place from 23 October 2023.

*Please note: Some eligibility conditions apply for the free training. Please refer to the information under Who can access subsidised training such as the free or reduced-fee qualifications?

The Department of Training and Workforce Development’s VET Fees and charges policy(opens in a new tab)  outlines eligibility for subsidised training in WA.

All enquiries regarding eligibility and/or course fees should be made to your TAFE college or private training provider.

This will depend on the qualification or course you choose.

Free Job Ready skill sets from 1 January 2024
All of the Job Ready skill sets are 100% FEE-FREE from 1 January 2024 for all* students. You will pay no course fees, resource fees, or any other fees.

Free qualifications (from 1 January 2024)
For the free qualifications starting from 1 January 2024, there is no course fee cost*. Other fees, such as for resources, may apply.

Lower fees, local skills qualifications
Other fees, such as resource fees, may apply to some of the Lower fees, local skills qualifications. 

What are resource fees?
Resource fees cover materials purchased by the TAFE or training provider that are required for and used during your training; such as workshop materials, workbooks and essential uniforms. For example; you may need to use timber for a course in carpentry — you would pay a resource fee to cover this cost.


*Please note: Some eligibility conditions apply for the free and/or subsidised training. Please refer to the information under Who can access subsidised training such as the free or reduced-fee qualifications?

Fees for vocational education and training courses are set by the Department of Training and Workforce Development's VET fees and charges policy.

Please refer to your TAFE college or training provider for details of any fees that may apply for the course you're interested in. 

Skill sets

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) — the national regulator for vocational education and training (VET) — defines a skill set as follows.

"A single unit of competency or a combination of units of competency from a training package which link to a licensing or regulatory requirement, or a defined industry need."

In VET, a qualification or course is made up of a number of units of competency, and each of those units has defined learning outcomes based on the skills and knowledge it covers. A skill set is developed by choosing individual units of competency that target a specific set of skills and knowledge, to meet the needs of industry or a particular job role.

Skill sets are also used to upskill workers — for example; if cleaning staff at a hospital needed to learn about infection control, or if office workers needed to learn some management skills — in situations where a full qualification is not required.

Because skill sets are based on nationally accredited units of competency, when you successfully complete a skill set short course those units can count towards a full qualification if you decide to do further study. 

A vocational education and training (VET) qualification is made up of a number of units of competency, and each of those units has defined learning outcomes based on the skills and knowledge it covers. Each unit of competency has a set number of "nominal hours" ie the indicative hours required to deliver and assess the unit. 

Some people choose to complete individual units, to pick up specific skills when they need to. For example, you may work as a fitter and machinist but you want to move into plant mechanics — you could complete some units from the Certificate III in Engineering Plant Mechanic qualification to gain the skills and knowledge you need for that.

Individual units of competency are also used to develop skill sets or short courses, that target a specific skills area.

Because the skill sets are not a full qualification, you will not receive a certificate.

You will receive a Statement of Attainment that lists all of the units of competency you completed in the skill set. This statement is recognised nationally as an official record. It verifies that you have completed those units, so you can receive credit for them should you continue on to further study. 

Yes! Completing a skill set is a great way to find out whether this is the industry area for you, and decide if you want to do further study and gain a full qualification. 

The Skills Ready skill sets contain units of competency taken from nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) qualifications. This means they work perfectly as a pathway to further study.

Please check the information in the Job ready skill sets section of this page, where we have listed possible pathways for each of the skill sets. 

The Statement of Attainment you receive on completion of a skill set verifies that you have completed those units, so you will receive credit for them should you continue on to further study. 

Lower fees, local skills — Reduced fees qualifications

The Lower fees, local skills courses are available to permanent residents of Western Australia.

Temporary residents
Persons holding one of the following visa types are also eligible:

  • holders of a sub-class 309, 444, 785, 790, or 820;
  • secondary holders of a temporary visa of sub-class 457; and
  • holders of a Bridging Visa E (subclasses 050 and 051) where the visa holder has made a valid application for a visa of subclass 785 or 790.

Who is not eligible

  • Persons living outside of Western Australia, or Australia, are not eligible.
  • International students and people on a student visa are not eligible.

The Department of Training and Workforce Development’s VET Fees and charges policy (opens in a new tab) outlines eligibility for subsidised training in WA.

All enquiries regarding course fees should be made to your local TAFE campus.

The Lower fees, local skills program commenced on 1 January 2020, with half price course fees to be in place for eligible courses.

A full list of all qualifications currently in the Lower fees, local skills program can be found here on the Lower fees, local skills course list document (select the Lower fees, local skills tab).

Please refer to your TAFE college or training provider for further information.

For the Lower fees, local skills program, new qualifications have been added at different stages.

  • If you commenced units in a qualification prior to the date it was included in the program, you will pay the regular course fee rate for those units.
  • If you commenced units on or after the date that a qualification was included in the program, the Lower fees, local skills fee rates and annual course fee caps will apply to those units only.  For these units, you will be eligible for a refund.


A full list of all qualifications in the Lower fees, local skills program can be found here on the Lower fees, local skills course list document (select the Lower fees, local skills tab).


Should you have any queries, your TAFE college or training provider can confirm the date your course was included in the Lower fees, local skills program.

The Australian Government offers VET Student Loans (VSL) only for courses at Diploma or Advanced Diploma level. 

If your Lower fees, local skills qualification is at Diploma or Advanced Diploma level, you may be eligible for VSL.

Because the job ready skill sets are not full qualifications, they are not eligible for VSL.

What are VET student loans?

Eligible students can apply to get a loan to pay for their fees through the Australian Government’s VET Student Loans scheme (VSL). Under this scheme, once you’re employed and your income exceeds a set level, you start repaying the loan through the tax system. For more information contact your training provider, visit the Australian Government's VET Student Loans website - external site (opens in a new tab) or contact the student hotline on 1800 020 108.

The "annual fees cap" means that regardless of how much your annual course fees actually are, under Lower fees, local skills you will not pay more than the capped amount. There are two course fee caps, which one you pay depends on whether you are entitled to receive a concession rate or are at least 15 years of age but have not reached the end of the year in which you turn 25.

  • The concession rate annual course fee cap for Lower fees, local skills qualifications is $400, from the date the new fee applied.
  • The non-concession rate annual course fee cap for Lower fees, local skills qualifications is $1,200, from the date the new fee applied.

A full list of all qualifications on the Lower fees, local skills program can be found here on the Lower fees, local skills course list document- external site(opens in a new tab) . Please check with your TAFE college or training provider for details. 

The following people will be eligible for the $400 annual course fees cap under Lower fees, local skills

  • Persons aged 15—24 years and have left school* at the time of enrolment.
  • Persons and dependents of persons in receipt of services from one of the following Commonwealth support or employment services programs:
    • Workforce Australia; or
    • ParentsNext
  • Persons and dependents of persons receiving the Youth Allowance, AUSTUDY or ABSTUDY
  • Persons and dependents of persons holding:
    • a pensioner concession card or  Health Care Card; or
    • Repatriation Health Benefits Card issued by the Department of Veterans' Affairs
  • Dependents of persons who are inmates of a custodial institution

* In 2022, Year 12 school students who are leaving school can access a subsidised training place from 24 October 2022.


Please note that only course fees are reduced and included in the fees cap; other fees may apply for some of these Lower fees, local skills courses. 

The annual course fee caps under Lower fees, local skills are applied at qualification/course level for the calendar year.

For example; if you complete two courses in one year, the course fees will be capped for each course.

Under Lower fees, local skills the $400 course fee cap applies to units of competency that are commenced by concession students, and by people aged between 15 and 24 years.

If you are turning 25 during your course, please speak to your TAFE college or training provider to check what course fees and/or price caps will apply. 

Please note: Course fees are half price for the Lower fees, local skills qualifications, however you may be required to pay other fees for resources that are specifically needed for your course.

The Lower fees, local skills qualifications are available whether you study full time, part time or even online (where available).

What is a unit of competency?

A VET course or qualification consists of individual units of competency, each of which has a set number of "nominal hours" ie the hours required to deliver and assess the unit. Course fees are determined by multiplying the applicable rate by the nominal hours for each unit in the course that you enrol in.

Some people choose to complete individual units, to pick up specific skills when they need to. For example, you may work as a fitter and machinist but you want to move into plant mechanics — you could select some units from the Certificate III in Engineering Plant Mechanic course, to upskill. 

Yes! Some of the Lower fees, local skills half price qualifications are available as an apprenticeship or traineeship, which means as an apprentice or trainee you or your employer would be eligible for the half price course fees and annual course fee caps. 

Pre-apprenticeships and pre-traineeships courses are also available under Lower fees, local skills; to help you prepare to get an apprenticeship or traineeship.

Please note that the lower course fee rates under Lower fees, local skills and the annual course fee cap apply only to units of competency within a course or qualification that you commence from the date the new fee applied to 31 December 2025. 

If your apprenticeship or traineeship is likely to go beyond 2025, please speak to your TAFE college or training provider for information on how this might affect your course fees. 

Please note: In addition to course fees, you may be required to pay other fees for resources that are specifically needed for your course. Please check with us for details. 

If you re-commence units that form part of one of the Lower fees, local skills qualifications between the date the new fee applied and 31 December 2025, you will still be eligible for the half price course fee rates and fee caps.

If you have to withdraw from the course, you are entitled to a refund of the course fee and 50% of the resource fee for units that you withdraw from, before the unit withdrawal date (which is set by your TAFE or training provider). Please check with your TAFE or training provider for information about refunds.  

Once you have decided how you're going to get skilled, and found a training provider that you’re happy with, the next step is to apply and/or enrol.

For the free infection control skill sets at TAFE colleges, you can enrol directly on their website. Please follow the link in our course list to access the enrolment process.

For all other courses, please refer to the information in the course description for each of the training providers listed as delivering that course.

It’s a good idea to contact your TAFE college or training provider directly or check their website for any eligibility requirements you need to meet, and to get the dates and other details for enrolling.  For some qualifications, you may be required to apply for a place. Each of the WA TAFE colleges provides this information on their website. 

For general information on applying and enrolling, please visit the apply and enrol page. If you would like some advice or assistance to apply for a course, your local Jobs and Skills Centre can help.

The Lower fees, local skills program commenced on 1 January 2020, with half price course fees to be in place for eligible courses until 31 December 2021.

Initially 34 qualifications were available. Any units of competency in these qualifications commenced by new or continuing students between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2021 will attract the half price course fees. Any units of competency commenced outside of this period will attract the regular course fees.

On 1 July 2020, an additional 39 qualifications were added. Any units of competency commenced by new or continuing students in these qualifications between 1 July 2020 and 31 December 2021 will attract the half price course fees. Any units of competency commenced outside of this period will attract the regular course fees.

A further 107 qualifications were added on 1 January 2021. Any units of competency commenced by new or continuing students in these qualifications from that date — until 31 December 2021 — will attract the half price course fees. Any units of competency commenced outside of this period will attract the regular course fees.

A full list of all qualifications on the Lower fees, local skills program, and the date from which the fee change applies, can be found here on the Lower fees, local skills course list document.

The following people are entitled to a concession fee rate on the Lower fees, local skills courses. 

  • Persons born on or after 1 July 2003 who are aged 15 years or older, and have left school*
  • Persons and dependents of persons in receipt of services from one of the following Commonwealth support or employment services programs:
    • Workforce Australia
    • ParentsNext
  • Persons and dependents of persons receiving the Youth Allowance, AUSTUDY or ABSTUDY
  • Persons and dependents of persons holding:
    • a pensioner concession card or  Health Care Card; or
    • Repatriation Health Benefits Card issued by the Department of Veterans' Affairs
  • Dependents of persons who are inmates of a custodial institution

*In 2022, Year 12 school students who are leaving school can access a subsidised training place from October 2022.


Concession eligibility is outlined in the Department of Training and Workforce Development’s VET fees and charges policy.

A full list of all qualifications on the Lower fees, local skills program, and the date from which the fee change applies, can be found here on the Lower fees, local skills course list document.

Please note: Course fees are half price or less for the Lower fees, local skills qualifications, however you may be required to pay other fees for resources that are specifically needed for your course.  Please check with us for details.

Yes, you may have to pay other fees. The half price rates under Lower fees, local skills apply only to course fees, and these are set by the Department of Training and Workforce Development's VET fees and charges policy.

You may need to pay other fees — that will depend on the qualification you choose. For example; if you do the Certificate III in Commercial Cookery, you may need to pay for specialist equipment such as a knife. Or some courses may require you to purchase a workbook and there will be a resource fee for that. Your TAFE college or training provider will be able to provide details of any such fees that apply to the course you're interested in. 

More information about fees and charges for VET courses is available in the Training section of the JSWA website(opens in a new tab) .

The $1000 grant can only be put towards additional construction related training (separate to your apprenticeship training). It cannot be used to reduce the costs of apprenticeship training outlined in your training plan.

For further information about the $1,000 training grant for building and construction apprentices and trainees, please visit the CTF website - external site (opens in a new tab)